Kids Unlimited Academy is back in session! As it is our second year of an all-around school year, we are thrilled about what lies ahead for the new school year. So much has happened since we opened our doors at the beginning of August, such as our Backpack Giveaway, our deliciously gigantic 100ft banana split sundae, and a new addition to our KUA family, DJ Gemineye!
We are highlighting two significant events that occurred in August. First, thanks to Banner Bank, we provided our students with over 200 backpacks, each filled with school supplies. Not only did they sponsor the event, but two of their outstanding staff members, Jay Stormberg and Tim Heim, stopped at our Medford campus and helped us fill backpacks with supplies. The second memorable event was Banana Split Day, when our students enjoyed a 100ft banana split sundae! Because of Cascade Glacier’s generous donation and volunteers from South Medford’s girl’s basketball team, Lady Panther Hoops, our students were treated to a day filled with sweetness.
As we always empower kids with opportunity, what better opportunity than to have DJ Gemineye a part of our KU/KUA family. DJ Gemineye has been making people dance on their feet with his fantastic DJ skills in the northwest for over 30 years. He also has 25 years under his belt in radio and audio production, making him the best fit to teach our KUA students what sound can do. When asked what he is most excited about teaching at KUA and what he would like the students to take from his lessons, “I’m excited about giving kids the opportunity to create content with the technology they probably would not have access to at other schools in the valley. Creating professional audio and video content is only going to get bigger, and maybe some of the students will learn how to use it to spread positivity in this world!” From podcasts to sound engineering, our students will have an opportunity that will empower them. Welcome to KU/KUA DJ Gemineye.